Award-winning journalist and owner of an Austin Allegro.
The cold weather has turned many people into proper whinging bastards
Manflu more than 100% worse than normal flu, according to scientists
Trump was reportedly impressed with the former Masterchef's attitude to middle-class women of a certain age
The WRU had opened up the job to some lads down the pub but most responded with variations of the words 'wouldn't', ‘touch’, and ‘bargepole’
All your latest Welsh news and weather
“It’s time to show the world that we love our sheep in a completely platonic way!” announced Minister of Agriculture, Ewe-bert Fleece
The failed president starts till training in January
The United States said they'd like a convicted criminal in charge please
Tina Tightarse applied the moisturiser on Saturday and hasn't been seen since
Brendon Clunch used most of the storage on his phone filming the display