
Larry the Cat resigns from No. 10

The Minister For Feline Fellows, Larry the Cat, has tendered his resignation from the Cabinet.

The four-legged furball handed in his letter of resignation this morning, citing irrevocable integrity issues for his leaving.

A spokeswoman for Mr L Cat, told WalesOnCraic:

“Larry has decided that he can no longer work for Mr Johnson under the current circumstances. Larry entered political life to uphold the will of the British people. Yet time after time, he has been lied to from the very top. Under such conditions, Larry feels that his integrity has come in for questioning at a time when this country needs strong and ethical leadership. Larry has been honoured to serve as resident cat at No. 10 for the last number of years, but now wants to step out in the world of modelling.”

Larry is hoping to travel to the US and make his fortune modelling swimwear.

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