
97% Welsh population couldn’t give a shit about Harry and Meghan’s interview

A recent survey among Welsh residents has shown that a high proportion don’t care about Harry and Meghan’s forthcoming interview with Oprah Winfrey.

A staggering 97% said that that they really couldn’t give a shit about the interview and of that 97%, 100% said that they were more interested as to when beer gardens could open again.

One participant told WalesOnCraic:

“I’ve got far more important things to worry about than those two. They’re doing ok. They’ve got money, they’ve got fame and they’ve probably got their own beer garden. What have we got? Jack Shit. That’s what we’ve got. So no, I couldn’t give a shit about what they’ve got to say. The only time I’ll be watching the news is to find out if Mark’s going to announce when the pubs are open again.”

Prince Harry and Meghan moved to the US in 2020 to start a new career of being famous. Shouty TV man Piers Morgan is planning on also relocating to the US so that he can be closer to Meghan.

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