
Genghis Siân and the Welsh Nationalists (East Chepstow Division): We’re Ready to Invade England

The leader of a small Welsh Nationalist group has told WalesOnCraic that she and her nationalist colleagues are ready to invade England, and bring it under Welsh control.

Siân ap Iolo, commonly known as Genghis Siân and has a tattoo of the Welsh flag on her nose, plans to invade England on Saturday. She hopes to reach London by Tuesday. She told WalesOnCraic:

“We’re ready to claim what is rightfully ours. We cannot live under this English rule any longer. We plan to attack on Saturday when X Factor is on so that we catch them unawares. By Monday, we should have Bristol under our control. And on Tuesday, we’ll catch the train to London and take over control there.”

This is Siân’s second attempt to invade England. She tried once in October 2013, but came back home after 3 hours because she was too cold.

“I’m determined this time. Me and Gethin and Derwyn are really up for it. We’ve got all our sandwiches made and I’ve even gone and bought a multipack of Monster Munch to keep us going. I can’t wait. I just love Wales so much that I want the whole world to be it.”

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