
‘Beast From The East 2’ is NOT a fugly from Newport assures experts

Rumours of a ‘Beast From The East 2’ is NOT a fugly from Newport, experts have said.

The return of the Beast From The East, which could visit Wales next week, has had some pub-goers worried that their one-night-stands have come back for more action.

One reveller told WalesOnCraic:

“Yer in Newport, we’ve still been having sessions in the pub behind closed doors. It’s been great. But when I heard that the Beast From The East was making a return to the UK next week, it got me panicked because I thought it was the fugly that I took home a few weeks ago. She seemed alright after I’d had 17 pints of Carling but I was sorely disappointed when I woke up the next morning.”

One woman added:

“I pulled the ugliest fugly in the entire world when I was out in Newport last year and news of the return of the Beast From The East made me worry. I was so ashamed that I went to bed with him that I wore a bucket on my head as I left his the morning after.”

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