
EE customers forced to use prehistoric phone boxes

EE customers across Wales have been forced to use prehistoric phone boxes after their network went down for the billionth time.

Customers had to put actual 20 pence coins into the actual phones – something that hasn’t been done since 1845.

One EE customer said:

“I’ve been pulling my hair out and I haven’t got any. I tried calling my mother to ask her to make me a cup of tea and I couldn’t get through. In the end, I had to get out of bed, go downstairs and actually speak to her face to face. She’d forgotten what I looked like and thought I was an intruder. Talk about awkward.”

Other EE customers said that they have beaten their phones with clubs and sticks.

“I went mental mun. If my husband is reading this, can you pick up Charlie from school? I’ve been stuck in a meeting all day. I’ve just thought that he might not read it as he might not have internet. Plus he’s not a Premium Member of WalesOnCraic. Poor Charlie.”

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