World News

Trump soothes nuclear armageddon jitters by promising to totally annihilate North Korea

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America’s Supreme Leader, Donald J Trump has soothed fears of a nuclear armageddon by promising to wipe North Korea off the face of the earth.

The Supreme Commander of the People’s Republic said he’d have no hesitation in unleashing world-ending weapons of mass destruction if it gave him another term in office.

A spokesman for the White House told WalesOnCraic:

“Mr Trump’s inauguration was the biggest in the world ever. Period. Did you see all the people? There were billions of them. They came from all over the universe just to be there. There were squillions of them. Our Dear Leader has promised to protect us from whatever harm comes our way – whether it’s Elton John or a plague of locusts. In God we trust and we trust God. Thank the Lord for our Dear Leader.”

North Korean officials have responded to Mr Trump’s threat by saying that they’d wipe the US off the face of the earth first.

American officials responded by saying that North Korea wouldn’t have a chance because they’d wipe them off the face of the earth first.

North Korean officials responded by saying that they had bigger weapons than the US.

American officials responded by saying that they had bigger weapons and that they were going to send their dad around and he’s got a gun.

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