UK News

Theresa May’s conference speech to be turned into a six-part sitcom

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Theresa May’s party conference speech is set to be turned into a six-part sitcom.

The speech caught the eye of comedy producers, who said it had everything in it to make a great show.

Party spokesman Giles Smythe-Peacock told WalesOnCraic:

“What what? That was a sublime speech. It had everything a good comedy needed – laughs, pathos, the unexpected, slapstick – and even a comical anti-hero that everyone can rip the piss out of. I can see this new series going on to win all sorts of awards. That speech really was that good.”

Party delegates were treated to a wide range of malfunctions and fuck-ups, including a so-called prank by some attention-seeking comedian.

“We’ll be sending a transcript of the speech off to the BBC because they commission some real shit. Hopefully, we’ll have an answer back by the end of the decade as to whether they are going to run with it.”

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