
Pontypridd fast food chain launch the McVodka

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A fast food out outlet in Pontypridd has launched the world’s first McVodka.

The new burger has been a hit with clubbers heading home after a night out down the club.

Manager Lewis Greasylips told WalesOnCraic:

“We launched the McVodka a few weeks ago and we’ve sold out every night. The burger is the usual blend of dead body parts that no-one thought we’d get rid of, plus a very large glug of vodka. They’ve got a bit of a kick to them and they go down very well with the ladies. We offer a small version, a large version and a very large version. The very large version sells out first and we end up selling the little fellas to the dickheads who come in just before we close.”

Glenys LargeCalves who is one of the shop’s regular customers said:

“I loves them I do. After I’ve been for a dance down the club, I like nothing more than stuffing my face with a McVodka. I just loves it.”

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