World News

It’s International Cockwomble Awareness Day!

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People across the country have been celebrating International Cockwomble Awareness Day by being total cockwombles.

Motorists, shoppers and even children have joined in the celebrations to raise awareness of the condition which affects millions worldwide.

Graham Gunt who had been in charge of the day told WalesOnCraic:

“Millions upon millions of cockwombles make every day a misery for millions upon millions of normal people like me and you. From motorists not indicating and suddenly changing direction to the cockwombles at home who leave dirty cups lying around the house, this condition has become so widespread over the last few years particularly. International Cockwomble Awareness Day is all about trying to get these cockwombles to see what cockwombles they really are. Sadly, most people who are cockwombles don’t know that they are cockwombles, and just go around all day being a cockwomble and making everyone else’s life a misery. Our aim is to get cockwombles to take responsibility for their cockwomblishness and come to their senses. If they did that, the world would be a better place.”

One cockwomble told WalesOnCraic:

“I loves being a cockwomble. It’s the only attention I get from anyone. Everyone should be a cockwomble, or at least try it once.”

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