
Summer postponed until 2024

This year’s summer has been postponed until 2024.

Government officials have warned shops to be prepared for huge numbers of refunds on barbeque sets.

Gary Bigballs, Minister for Summer Activities told WalesOnCraic:

“I think we can just forget about it this year. We had a few sunny days a few weeks ago and I managed to get my arse tanned a bit. But we’re already halfway to autumn now; the nights are drawing in so we’re now telling people just to start getting ready for winter. If you’ve bought a barbeque set ready for the hot weather, you may as well get a refund before the shops start panicking and stop taking them back.”

This year’s summer weather has been described as ‘shit’ by one sun lover.

Sheila Largecalves said:

“I likes getting my bazookas out in my back garden to give them a dose of Vitamin D. My neighbours love it but it ain’t happening this year. I may have to get myself a tanning bed instead and put that out in the garden.”

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