
New Welsh news website launched for ‘Slow News Days’

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Wales will be getting its own new news website specifically designed for slow news days.

The site will publish loads of click bait and crap that no one cares about.

Editor Matthew Dunce told WalesOnCraic:

“We’ve been keeping an eye on your crappy website and feel that we can do better. We’d like to fill people’s social media pages with stuff that really isn’t very interesting or relevant to Wales in any way. We’ll also cram it full of adverts and surveys that people have to wade through to get to the stuff that they don’t want to read. That way, we can make a bit of money to pay for the writers to produce features that will go unread. WalesOnCraic has been doing this for many years now and it’s all getting a bit boring to be honest. You even keep republishing some of the shit you originally published years ago. We’d like to do better than that by posting fresh, new shit every day.”

The new site will also contain typos and grammatical errors, just to annoy the Grammar Police. The new site launches on Monday, after Coronation Street.

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