
Inventor of the yoyo is exhumed, reburied, exhumed, reburied, exhumed and reburied etc etc

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The inventor of the yoyo has been exuhumed and reburied several times in the last few days.

Yokamana Yoyo invented the yoyo after his mother told him to stop fidgeting with his todger.

A spokesman said:

“Unfortunately, we have had to exhume and rebury Mr Yoyo several times over the last few days in order that WalesOnCraic has a story to post tonight. We understand that everyone has slow news days, especially here in Wales. We’ve researched Mr Yoyo’s background to see if we can find any Welsh slant on this story but unfortunately, we came up with nothing. The only thing we could find was that Mr Yoyo once went to SeaWorld and saw some whales, which sounds like Wales. When it comes down to it, we were just after a cheap and easy headline without having to think too hard about a story to back it up.”

A spokeswoman from WalesOnCraic said:

“This is all true. We thought of the headline first but had no story to furnish it with. Even the headline is poor. We are very sorry.”

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