
David Attenborough to narrate Newport wildlife documentary

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Respected TV broadcaster David Attenborough is set to narrate a new wildlife documentary based in Newport.

The new TV show will explore the joyless social and breeding habits of the town.

A spokesman told WalesOnCraic:

“Newport was a fascinating place for us to film. We came across all kinds of behaviour, ranging from the mildly crazy through to the downright scary. We saw humans mating in parked up cars, small humans spitting in the faces of adults and even fights breaking out down at the watering holes. The humans of Newport provided us with a rich tapestry of behaviour, some of which, we had never caught on camera before.”

Lord Attenborough said that of all his wildlife experiences throughout the world, Newport is the place that will stick with him for a long time.

“We were filming in the depths of St Julians one night when we saw a lone female approaching. We took cover behind our Land Rover and waited to see what she was going to do. We didn’t want to make our presence known so we kept quiet and the female approached our vehicle. Our hearts were in our mouths as she came right alongside the car. Before we knew it, she’d leant over the bonnet of the car and yakked her guts up all over it. Then she carried on her way into the town. It was quite a sight.”

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