
Brexit no-deal could destablise the price of Space Raiders

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A leading Brexit expert has told WalesOnCraic that failing to secure a deal would see the price of Space Raiders rocket (pun intented).

The well-loved crisps, which currently retail at 20p, could end up costing the average Brit £4 each if a deal is not reached.

John BigBalls, who has made the claim, told WalesOnCraic:

“We currently have laws laid out by Brussels that puts a cap on the price of Space Raiders. You may remember that United Biscuits tried to increase the price to 25p not long ago, causing riots and looting all over the country. It was Europe that told them that they had to get the price back down to 20p. Children and poor people across the nation have Europe to thank for that. It now means that they can get five packets for a pound instead of four. That’s real value for money and that’s why we pay £350 million a week.”

Some sceptics weren’t impressed with the latest claim.

“That fella talks out of his shitter,” said one.

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