
Woman Pours Bowl Of Cereal Only To Find That She’s Out of Milk

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A woman from Aberystwyth has poured cereal into her bowl, only to find that she had run out of milk.

Jenny GingerPubes was getting ready for work when disaster struck. She told WalesOnCraic:

“I wanted an extra 5 minutes in bed this morning, so I was in a right tizz when I did eventually get up. I rushed downstairs, poured my Golden Grahams into my bowl and then went to the fridge. I literally couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw that we had no milk. I even thought about melting down some of my butter. I spent so long crying about it, that I missed my bus for work. Now I have a full bowl of Golden Grahams sat in my kitchen going soft. I blame my twat of a husband – he wanted some Cornflakes last night while we were watching Tracey Barlow tell Liz that she’s been sleeping with Tony.”

Jenny’s husband, John, has since replenished their fridge with some new milk. He said:

“I got some from the local garage. It’s always more expensive there but I really couldn’t be arsed to drive to Asda.”

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