Election 2015

Wales First: We would tax all foreigners living abroad to fund an independent Welsh economy

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Welsh Nationalist and Street Defence Party Wales First have demanded that all foreigners living aboard should be taxed to fund an independent Welsh economy.

The group regularly visits supermarkets and buy up all foreign food like Yorkshire puddings and Swiss cheese ‘to protect the Welsh identity’.

Leader Siân ap Iolo, commonly known as Genghis Siân, told WalesOnCraic:

“We want an independent Wales but we all know that we’ve got jack shit to fund it with. What we want is to tax all foreigners living abroad to fund a Welsh economy. That way, we can continue to have Pobol y Cwm on the telly in case we decide to watch it.”

But critics have pointed out that their pledge is unworkable.

Nerys Gullet from Bargoed said:

“The woman’s mental. She thinks that she’s that Scottish woman – the one who looks like Jimmy Krankie. There’s no way I’m going to vote for her.”

But Genghis Siân was quick to respond, saying:

“Where does this bint live? I’m going to stick some flaming rags through her letterbox. People like her are scum. If I ever meet her in Kwik Save, I’m going to poke her in the eye with a big stick.”

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