
Parent miffed to get F for their child’s homework

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A parent from Prestatyn is feeling miffed today after getting an F grade for their child’s Maths homework.

Glenda Twirlytits spent two hours completing her son’s Maths homework last weekend. She was disappointed to find that she only got an F grade for her efforts.

She told WalesOnCraic:

“I was a superstar at Maths back in the day me. I knew all my times tableses and could reel off Pi to the eighth decibel. So when Billy brought home this homework last weekend and got stuck, I was there like a proper parent, doing it all for him. I spent two bloody hours doing that work and made sure that Billy took it in with him on Monday. You can imagine my shock when I found out I had an F for it. Bloody maths teachers. Don’t know their arses from their oboes these days.”

Billy’s school released a statement saying:

“We are aware that parents are doing their kids’ homework for them and we would like to remind these parents that they are thick as shit and it’s not worth getting involved. Just let us get on with our jobs. Thank you.”

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