
Merthyr cave painting reveals the early existence of ‘cankles’

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Scientists have investigated a cave painting in Merthyr Tydfil and believe that they have found the earliest evidence of cankles in humans.

They have come to the conclusion that cankles existed in early woman as far back as 3 million years ago in the Tertiary period.

Dr Crazybeard of Cardiff University said:

“This is a revelation because we originally thought that only the men did the hunting and the women stayed at home cleaning the cave. It’s obvious from the painting that Merthyr women also did their share of the hunting possibly because their caves were tidier than most.”

Mandy Shortleg of the Merthyr Cankle Club said:

“Merthyr women still do the hunting and it’s usually down the club on a Friday night. Most of the men there are animals and I often manage to spear one and take him home for supper.”

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