
Malania Trump: I invented Superted

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Malania Trump, wife of Republican candidate Donald Trump, has insinuated that she was the person who invented Welsh superhero Superted.

Mrs Trump, speaking at a conference in America somewhere, told delegates:

“This is a story about an ordinary teddy bear. When he was made they found something wrong with him and threw him away, like a piece of rubbish, into an old dark store room. Then from outer-space a spotty man brought him to life with his cosmic dust. He took him to a magic cloud where Mother Nature gave him special powers. That bear became… SuperTed!”

An aide for Mrs Trump told WalesOnCraic:

“Mrs Trump has been responsible for many of the world’s leading literature, including everything written by Roald Dahl and the Bible. She’s very bright and that’s why she married Mr Trump.”

Superted was too busy saving the world from Texas Pete to comment.

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