
Welsh men to get free evening classes to learn how to put things back once they’ve used them

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Men in Wales are set to get free evening classes so they can learn how to put things back where they belong after they’ve used them.

The Welsh Assembly has announced the measures for men who struggle to put things back and then get stressed when they can’t find them the next time they need them, leading to endless domestic disputes.

Assembly spokesman Brian Boring told WalesOnCraic:

“We often get girls in here moaning that their fella hasn’t put a certain item back where it belongs in their house. It could be the measuring tape, it could be a set of keys. We’re finding that more and more lads are using things and then not putting them back where they belong.”

The classes will include:

• Understanding why things need to go back to where you picked them up from
• Learning how to put things back in the place that they belong
• Why making excuses for not finding items around the house is fruitless

It is hoped that the classes will bring about a more organised society in Wales and also bring down the percentage of domestic arguments.

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