
Facebook Copyright/Privacy Statuses Are a Load Of Bollocks: CLAIM

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People updating their Facebook statuses with copyright and privacy statements are total dickheads, according to a Welsh IT expert.

Dennis SquareEyes, who runs his own computer shop, said that cutting and pasting a so-called privacy statement is a load of bollocks.

He told WalesOnCraic:

“It’s a load of shit. You own your content, not Facebook. And if you don’t believe me, you should because I’m very very clever. The twat who originally posted it is probably laughing his arse off.”

The status, which usually starts with something to the effect of ‘In response to the new Facebook guidelines, I hereby declare that my copyright is attached to all of my personal details, illustrations, graphics, comics, paintings, photos, and videos, etc…’ has been doing the rounds.

Dennis offers his advice if anyone sees any of their friends posting it.

“Post this story to their wall and make them see how much of a dickhead they look. Arseholes.”

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