
Cardiff man sells his house to pay for energy bills

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A man from Cardiff has sold his home to pay for his increasingly expensive energy bills.

Billy Grumble sold his 4-bedroom detached house for £250,000, which covers one month’s electricity bill.

He told WalesOnCraic:

“My electric bills have been going up and up and up. At first, I thought it was because I was boiling my kettle too much but then my postman brought me my bill. I nearly fainted when I saw how much they were charging me. I tried to phone my MP about it but he’s on holiday in Bermuda for two months. I wrote to my Assembly Minister but they said that they were busy organising bin collections so I was left with no choice but to sell my house.

“I sold it for £250k, which should cover me for August’s bill. The only problem now of course is that I don’t have a house to live in so I might just go and find a hollow tree to live in. At least I won’t have any energy bills to pay there. I should be able to find a squirrel or two to keep me warm during the winter.”

Energy prices are expected to rocket in the next few months with some homeowners already stocking up on woolly blankets.

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