
Caerphilly Brownies and Cubs to meet in pubs to avoid lockdown rules

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Brownies and Cubs in the Caerphilly Borough have told WalesOnCraic that they’ll be meeting in pubs to get around the latest lockdown rules.

The groups have introduced new ‘Shit-faced’ badges that youngsters can earn while in the pubs, which are staying open during the lockdown.

9-year-old Timmy TwinkleToes told WalesOnCraic:

“I can’t wait to get started on my Shit-faced badge. My parents are always working towards theirs at home and I’ve never been given a chance to get mine. I’m glad that this new lockdown is in place because it means that I can still see my friends and mingle with them while earning my badge at the same time. Mamma tells me that pubs are the safest places to be during a global pandemic so we’ll all be going there tonight after tea.”

A spokeswoman for the Welsh Assembly Government added:

“We would encourage everyone to meet down the pub to avoid going into each other’s houses. If we are to beat this virus, we all need to follow the rules and stay alert.”

Caerphilly is the latest place to incur a local lockdown, following in the footsteps of other tropical locations such as Bolton.

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