The tourists saw the sign for Gwesty Hotel while travelling through Wales but failed to locate it
Darren Giblet was asked by his wife Debbie to go buy salad from his local store but he got confused and bought pizza instead
Chavs in grey joggers pulling wheelies have become a common sight across the UK in recent years
The party is seeking a new leader after Rishi Sunak joined the travelling circus as a stunt dwarf
Tina Belch is currently living at her mother’s house while her living room is being redecorated
The sofa store’s marketing department has put out new promotions to let people know that the sale is still on
English settlers will learn to pronounce words like ‘sospan’ and ‘tooth’ correctly
Emily Underbite charges clients £10,000 each to tell them to ‘chill out’ when they get stressed
Larry Coldcheeks said that he will have to apply for a new mortgage if he puts his heating on this autumn
Gary Flatarse began overtaking Terry Wondergunt at Pont Abraham services and finally completed his manoeuvre as he arrived in London
Council officials are still scouring their CCTV footage to corroborate eyewitness accounts
Leaves are traditionally found on trees but government sources say that the shedding of leaves is a worrying trend