
Woman says ‘Oo, it’s close’ for 43rd time today

A woman from South Wales has said ‘Oo, it’s close’ for the 43rd time today.

Emily Blundergunt repeated the phrase, despite still not knowing exactly what’s ‘close’.

She told WalesOnCraic:

“Oof, it’s close. I honestly can’t remember the last time it was this close. It’s like we need a good thunderstorm to clear the air. I’ve been saying that it’s close all day today. As soon as I woke up this morning, I turned to my husband and said ‘Oo, it’s close’. Then I turned to my boyfriend and said the same thing to him too. It’s like it’s warm but it’s not warm. The sun’s not out yet it’s still hot. I’ve got sweat patches under my tits and I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep again tonight. I may sleep with one leg out of the duvet. That seems to work.”

Boyfriend Bill added:

“What we need is a good thunderstorm to clear the air.”

Weather experts have predicted that it’ll be ‘close’ for the next few days.

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