
Woman fantasizes about putting her heating on

A woman from South Wales has told WalesOnCraic that she’s been fantasizing about putting her heating on.

Rachel Ringrust has been blocked from putting her heating on all summer by her overbearing husband Tom.

Rachel told WalesOnCraic:

“I’ve been freezing cold all summer. Tom, being the overbearing cockface that he is, has told me that I couldn’t put my heating on because it costs money. My nips are so hard today I could hang duffle coats on them. I’ve been to the boiler so many times and fantasised about pressing that ‘On’ button. All I want is to be cosy and warm but Tom has to run the show to assuage his tiny ego. He keeps telling to put jumpers on but I want to be able to walk around with my tits out.”

Husband Tom said:

“I work 25 hours a week to pay for the heating in our house. She puts it on and then opens the windows and doors when she gets a hot flush. I’m not having it. If she wants the heating on, she’ll have to go and live with Les next door.”

Rachel expects Tom to put the heating on in January when the blizzards arrive.

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