
White House ‘has more COVID cases than New Zealand’

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America’s White House is currently experiencing more cases of COVID than New Zealand, according to inside reports.

White House officials, who only a few months ago said that ‘the coronavirus will never come here’ are battling the virus, which is there.

One White House spokeswoman told WalesOnCraic:

“We’ve all been feeling pretty bardies but we think some sneaky Democrat deliberately injected us all with it. Obviously, the boss man’s in hospital himself but we’re currently trawling through our CCTV footage to see if we can find the person who deliberately brought into the White House. We’re currently looking at more COVID cases than New Zealand.”

The virus has been steadly making its way across the US, despite President Trump declaring that it would disappear in the summer sun. He’s currently laid up in bed with the lurgy.

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