
Wheelie bins put on Red Alert as Ophelia approaches Wales

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Wheelie bins across Wales have been put on Red Alert as remnants of Hurricane Ophelia approaches the country.

Wheelie bin owners have been told to weigh their bins down or face Wheelie Armageddon.

One wheelie bin owner told WalesOnCraic:

“This happened to me a few years ago when we had another hurricane hit. We lost two bins that day – a black one and a green one. I’d forgotten to bring them in from the road after they’d been collected. The hurricane hit overnight and the next morning, there they were – gone. I never saw them again. We had a few sketchy sightings three miles away but these were never confirmed.”

Hurricane Orphelia is due to crash into Wales later today. Weather expert Nathan Rao from the Daily Express said:

“Run for your lives! The end of the world is on its way! Ice! Snow! Doom! Carnage!”

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