
Wanker driver sign warns drivers of wanker drivers

New signs featuring the picture of a cock and balls are to appear on roads across the UK to warn drivers of wanker drivers ahead.

The new signs will be placed on the outskirts of many British cities and towns as part of a pilot scheme.

A spokesman for the Ministry of Road Signs said:

“We all know those places across the UK where wanker drivers live. We thought it was only fair to introduce these new signs to give other motorists some warning as to what to expect. These new signs will feature a picture of a cock and balls to remind drivers that these wanker drivers are among us and can pull out in front of you at any given moment. We’d like to think that this will reduce the amount of accidents caused by wanker drivers, and I personally think it’s nice to see cock and balls out on the roads.”

It is estimated that there are over 3 million wanker drivers in the UK. Research suggests that most of them aren’t even aware that they are wanker drivers.

The new signs will start appearing next month.


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