
‘Unprecedented use of the word unprecedented is unprecedented’ says Unprecedented Society’s president

Usage of the word ‘unprecedented’ has reached unprecedented levels, according to the president of the Unprecedented Society.

Usage of the word has gone up 2,000,000% since the unprecedented outbreak of the virus that has swept the world.

President of the Unprecedented Society told WalesOnCraic:

“We’re currently seeing unprecedented levels of the word unprecedented, which is unprecedented in the usage of the word unprecedented. In these unprecedented times, we’re seeing the word unprecedented being used in unprecedented situations, making it all the more unprecedented. If we carry on with these unprecedented levels, we will have to implement unprecedented curbs to bring the unprecedented situation under control. It really is unprecedented.”

A spokesman for the Unprecedented Society added that the unprecedented usage of the word may lead to unprecedented restrictions later on down the line.

He said:

“It’s all unprecedented to be honest.”

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