UK News

UK snap election ‘doesn’t give Putin enough time to get his shit together’

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Critics have condemned Theresa May’s decision to call a snap election, saying that it doesn’t give Vladimir Putin time to get his shit together.

May made the announcement of a snap election just two months after saying that she wouldn’t call a snap election.

Critic John ShinyShoes said:

“Calling a snap election now is grossly unfair on Mr Putin who will have no time at all to organise anything. The Labour Party is up shit creek and the Lib Dems are probably away on a yoga retreat. We feel that she has deliberately called this election now so that she can consolidate her power. She’s a very craft woman.”

A spokesman for the Kremlin said:

“We will do our best with the time given but clearly, this is going to be a big test for our lads. We’re going to have to pull people off their holidays and all kinds of stuff. We had plenty of warning with the US Election as we knew that it was coming but we are a little aggrieved that this one’s been called at such short notice. We’ll do our best to get Jeremy Corbyn in though so watch this space.”

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