
Polish workers say they can have Big Ben’s bongs working by Thursday

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Polish workers renovating Big Ben’s bells have told Downing Street that they can have them working by Thursday.

British workers started renovating the famous bells three years ago but a team of Polish workers are now on the case.

A spokesman from Westminster told WalesOnCraic:

“Our British boys have been on the case since 2017. All they had to do was give it a bit of a polish but with all the tea breaks and cigarette breaks that they’ve been having, it’s taking longer than we’d hoped. We had a group of Polish lads turn up at the yard yesterday and they told us that they could have the job done by Thursday which will be just in time for us to celebrate Brexit and sending them all home. If anything is going to make us proud on Friday, it’s going to be Big Ben’s bongs. It means a lot to us.”

One of the Polish workers said:

“We have this done by Thursday no? We take cash only please.”

The UK is set to leave the EU on Friday. A Gammon Party is planned for 3pm that afternoon.

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