
NHS urged to add Covid vaccines to beer and gin


Pressure groups are calling on the NHS to add Covid vaccines to alcoholic drinks, including beer and gin.

Groups say that by adding the vaccine to alcoholic drinks, the UK could be vaccinated in just one night.

Betty Bumflaps, spokeswoman for Let’s Get Pissed And Vaccinated, told WalesOnCraic:

“Let’s admit it. We’re all getting shit-faced at home every night. Even my kids were up drinking Thunderbird till 2am last night – it was hard getting them up for nursery this morning. If the NHS dropped in vaccines to alcoholic drinks, I reckon that the nation would be vaccinated within a couple of hours – and we’d all have a great time getting it done. We’d like to call upon our political leaders to look at this idea urgently. We really think that it would be in everyone’s interests. I’d like to be vaccinated as I’m really missing my weekly dogging sessions down Asda car park. It’s not the same doing it on your own.”

The UK vaccination programme started on Monday but so far, only Gladys from down the road has had her jab.

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