
Mum missing for 5 days found under mountain of washing

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A missing woman from Brecon has been found alive and well underneath a mountain of washing.

Nina Bumskid went missing last weekend but her husband Joe found her under a pile of dirty washing this morning.

She told WalesOnCraic:

“It was scary. I thought I’d get some washing done over the weekend and before I knew it, I was buried underneath it. I called out for help but Joe was too busy watching sport on the telly and the kids were out the back playing. The washing was too heavy for me to lift and after a few hours, I was resigned to the fact that I was stuck there. Luckily, I had a packet of mini Jammy Dodgers in my pocket, which I was able to survive on but I’ve been busting for a wee for the last five days. The only reason Joe found me was because he was looking for clean socks to wear and as I hadn’t done any washing, he went back to the dirty washing basket to find a dirty pair. I think he must have missed me terribly.”

Husband Joe said:

“Nina? Missing? Was she? Oh. I didn’t notice. Thanks for letting me know.”

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