
Mother of four introduces Privacy Policy for bathtime

A mother of four has introduced a Privacy Policy that covers her bathtimes.

Glenda Guntridge is usually disturbed by noisy kids and her husband wanting to take a dump.

She told WalesOnCraic:

“I have had no privacy for the last 11 years since I had my first kid. We’ve only got one bathroom and of course, when I want to go wash my bits and bobs, everyone else wants to use the bathroom too. With everyone going Privacy Policy crazy, I thought I’d introduce one of my own for bathtime so I can take a soak without anyone coming in. Usually, it’s the kids coming in asking what they are having for tea or my husband Colin wanting to take a dump when I’m in the bath. The entire family have signed the Privacy Policy and if anyone flouts this, I’ll be fining them £20m.”

Husband Colin was confused by the new policy.

“When I need to go, I need to go. Where’s my privacy? I can’t take a dump these days without her sitting in the bath, watching me.”

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