
Home schooling parents struggling to teach differences between there, they’re and their

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Parents across the UK are struggling to correctly teach differences between there, they’re and their to their children.

A survey has also found that parents are almost unable to explain the difference between past and passed.

One parent told WalesOnCraic:

“I’ve not got a fugging clue to be honest, mun. I was never taught those things at school and I’ve never had to use them in the grown-up world. For years, I thought a verb was something you put on top of your pizza and God only knew what an adverb was. I thought it was like an advert but not quite. I’ve been trying to teach my little shits the differences between there, they’re and their and I think it’s fair to say that I’m not even going to try. I get by without knowing the difference and so will they.”

Parents have reportedly been struggling to teach other grammatical differences, including homophones such as to, two and too. One father said:

“Did you just say homo? Are you calling me a home? Do you want me to punch your face in?”

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