
Cardiff to host world’s first Straight-Men-Who-Wear-Pink-Shirts Pride event

Cardiff is to host the world’s first Straight-Men-Who-Wear-Pink-Shirts Pride event.

The event will celebrate the rights of straight men to wear pink shirts without fear of persecution or prosecution.

Organiser Justin Leathercrotch told WalesOnCraic:

“We, as a group, have always been the butt of people’s jokes. But over the last few years, straight men wearing pink shirts has become more accepted into today’s wider society. We wanted to celebrate that fact by holding the world’s first Straight-Men-Who-Wear-Pink-Shirts Pride event down at Pontcanna Fields. There’ll be lots to do there – we’ve got pony-trekking, balloons (pink of course), face-painting and a singer from my local pub. Lads will be able to wear their pink shirts without fear of being pointed at or mocked and I hope that this will become a standard feature in the Welsh calendar. I’m off now to go and buy some glow sticks and some candy floss.”

Pink shirt wearer Timmy TightArse said:

“OMG, I’m so excited about this that I could clap my little hands. I’ll be taking a few of my mates there and it’s going to be mental. Eek!”

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