
Cardiff Airport asked to cancel both its flights next week

Cardiff Airport has been asked by the UK government to cancel both of its flights next week.

The news comes as Boris Johnson announced the closure of all UK flight coridoors from Monday onwards.

A spokesman for the British Pilots Association said:

“We are under the impression that all flights in and out of the UK are to be stopped from Monday onwards. That’s ok as I’m being furloughed anyway so I’ll just carry on sitting at home watching David Dickinson all week. I’ve been studying him over the last few months and he changes colour – one week he’s the colour of tan hide, the next he’s the colour or a mahogany Queen Anne table. It’s quite remarkable really. Oh, but yes. The airport. Yes, it is a shame but there we are. Can’t be helped.”

The UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has ordered that all flights in and out of the UK are to be halted from next week. The virus will halt and spreading that it’s doing this weekend until the flight bans are in place.

Cardiff Airport is Cardiff’s busiest airport, even though it’s not actually in Cardiff.

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