
Riots break out in Welsh Kwik Save store as Halloween pumpkins sell out

Large scale riots have broken out in a west Wales Kwik Save store after customers fought to purchase the last Halloween pumpkin in the store.

Police were called to the shop after customers found out that there was only one pumpkin left.

Shopper Glenys Droopyguts told WalesOnCraic:

“It was awful. It all kicked off after one woman twatted the man who was carrying the last pumpkin in the queue. The girl behind the counter tried to calm things down by twatting them with a sweeping brush but all hell broke loose.”

Another shopper, who suffered a torn plastic bag added:

“The shit really hit the fan when the fuzz arrived. They waded in with tear gas and water cannons and then the lads from the local darts team popped round to give their two pennies’ worth. It was great. I loves Halloween.”

£42 worth of damage was made to the store.

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