
Former Blockbuster store to be reopened as a museum

A former Blockbuster video store is to be reopened as an interactive museum.

Visitors to the old store in Penarth will be able to re-enact taking videos to the counter and taking them away for hire.

Museum curator Dennis Crustyballs told WalesOnCraic:

“People look back fondly on our old Blockbuster stores and we’ve found one that’s still in pretty good nick. Our merry team of volunteers have set about restoring the shop to its former glory and once it’s all done out, we’ll be asking for donations of videos and DVDs that no one wants any more. We hope to excite those who have never stepped inside a Blockbuster store and give them a new experience. Even better, we’ll be taking all those who do remember on a trip down memory lane. I remember taking my first ever video out here. It was 9 1/2 weeks because I wanted to see Kim Basinger in the nip. I still got the video because I forgot to take it back.”

Crustyballs hopes to have the store open by Christmas.

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